The input files are derived from six files of the TSPLIB library: fnl4461, pr1002, nrw1379, d18512, d15112, brd14051. From each file we created istances with different dimensions. For example, to generate an input file with 15 vertices from "fnl4461.tsp" we create three files: fnl4461_D15.tsp, matching_fnl4461_15.mtc, starting_tour.str. The first file represents the complete graph. This file is a copy of the original file "fnl4461.tsp" with the only difference that the parameter dimension inside it is set to 15. This means that the graph is represented by only the first 15 vertices. The second file, "matching_fnl4461_15.mtc", contains the information to state what are the pickup and delivery vertices of the graph and how they are associated. More precisely, on each row of the .mtc file there are 3 numbers: the first is the ID of the vertex, the second states whether this vertex is a pickup or a delivery (0 = delivery, 1 = pickup, 3 = depot) and the last number is the ID of the vertex associated to it. For instance, if in the row there is: 3 0 7 this means that vertex 3 is a delivery vertex and its pickup is vertex 7 (the only exception is for the depot whose row is: 0 3 0). The definition of pickup and delivery vertices and the generation of matchings were executed in a random way. Finally, the last file represents the starting tour ( .str files). We use eight starting tours generated with the techniques specified by Cassani and Righini (2004). These files are composed by a single column representing the tour (a sequence of vertex IDs) and on the last row is shown the tour cost. In order to better assemble the input files, the last two files "matching_fnl4461_15.mtc" and "starting_tour.str", are saved into a directory named "fnl4461_DIM_15". The same structure is repeated for other dimensions and types of files.